Urgent Care Blood Test, Urgent Care Lab

Respiratory Pathogens

A practical and frequent urgent care lab blood test called a complete metabolic panel (CMP) measures a number of significant characteristics of your blood. It is frequently used by medical professionals as a standard procedure and can aid in diagnosing, screening, and monitoring various medical disorders.

A complete metabolic panel (CMP) is what, exactly?

A complete metabolic panel (CMP) test examines 14 distinct chemicals in your blood. It gives crucial details on your body’s chemical balance and metabolism and how your body transforms the food you eat into energy.

A CMP detects the following elements in your blood:

Glucose: Glucose is a form of sugar that gives your body and brain energy. Blood sugar is another name for glucose. A high fasting blood glucose level is frequently an indication of Type 2 diabetes. Fasting or not, extremely high glucose levels typically signal Type 1 diabetes.

Calcium: One of the most crucial and prevalent minerals in your body is calcium. Although your bones store the majority of your calcium, your blood also needs calcium. Your heart, muscles, and nerves must all function properly for blood calcium to be present.

Total protein: This is a measurement of the overall protein content of your blood, including albumin and globulins.

Bilirubin: A waste product created when red blood cells are broken down is bilirubin. The task of eliminating bilirubin from your body falls to your liver.

BUN: Blood urea nitrogen, or BUN, is a measurement of the waste product urea nitrogen that your kidneys assist in removing from your blood.

Creatine: The consequence of muscular action is creatinine. Your kidneys filter and eliminate it from your blood as waste.

Albumin: Your liver produces a protein called albumin. It prevents fluid from seeping out of your blood vessels and carries vital nutrients throughout your bloodstream.

The next four electrolytes are likewise measured by a CMP. When minerals are dissolved in a liquid, they acquire an electric charge and are known as electrolytes. Your blood’s electrolytes regulate nerve and muscle activity, as well as your blood’s pH balance, acid-base balance, and water balance.

Salt: Your kidneys assist in regulating your body’s sodium levels, and the majority of the sodium you consume comes from food.

Potassium: Potassium is a mineral found in all of your body’s tissues and is obtained from the food you eat.

Carbon dioxide: Your blood’s bicarbonate level tells you how much carbon dioxide (CO2) is present.

Chloride: Chloride works with sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate to regulate a number of bodily functions.

The next three liver enzymes are also measured by a CMP. Enzymes are chemicals that function as a catalyst and enable specific physiological processes.

  • Alkaline phosphatase (ALP).
  • Alanine transaminase (ALT).
  • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST).
  • Purpose of a complete metabolic panel

    Medical professionals frequently use a complete metabolic panel (CMP) to assess your general physical health thoroughly. It can assess a number of bodily processes and functions thanks to its 14 distinct measurements, including:

    Your kidney and liver function.

    Your level of blood sugar.

    Your blood’s acid and base levels are balanced.

    Your electrolyte and hydration balance.

    Your healthcare physician may order a CMP for you for any of the following reasons, depending on the circumstances:

    Diagnosis: A CMP can assist your doctor in making a diagnosis of several medical disorders.

    Screening: Screening is the process of looking for health problems before they manifest as symptoms. Regular screening aids in the early detection of several disorders. Healthcare professionals frequently use a CMP as part of routine health checks.

    Monitoring: If you have a specific medical condition, a CMP might assist your doctor establish whether or not your medication is having the desired effect. CMPs can also be used to screen for pharmaceutical side effects, particularly those that may have an impact on your liver or kidneys.

    Due to your hectic schedules, you are no longer required to put off diagnostic tests when you can simply walk into an urgent care clinic.

    NYUCC has the best qualified staff, supports you at every step and even follows up with the urgent care blood test results a short while afterwards. Our knowledgeable personnel with years of expertise will address your concerns.
